2007 Greeting
As Man to Man
Oor Bard’s enlighten’d philosophy
Embrac’d the right to liberty
He dreamt o’ equality
An’ fur yin an aw
Britherhood an’ fraternity
Was whit he foresaw.
So lookin’ doon on Scotland’s streets
Do drouthy neebors neebors meet
An’ strangers wae a handshake greet
Like lang lost brithers?
We Scots need tae see oursels’
As we see ithers.
Oor nation has a secret shame
An’ prejudice still finds a hame
In oor so ca’d beautiful game
A richt bad rancour
Is Billy or Tim the wan tae blame
Fur fitba’s canker.
Oor blessed bard, who art in heav’n
Thought free expression was God giv’n
But noo oor ‘PC’ world is riv’n
Wae such nonsense
Where veils and crosses on oor wimmin’
Can cause offence.
Fur those who seek oot oor dear shores
Wae hopes and dreams forever more
They cannae guess whit lies in store
Frae oor repute.
We wait ’til dawn tae chap their door
An’ fling them oot.
Oor land has skins o’ mony hues
An’ mony a god gets paid their dues
Tak’ a bit walk in a’bodys shoes
An’ forget aw the fairin’s
Rabbie, he saw the real values
In aw Jock Tamson’s bairns.
His message tae Scotland’s Unco guid
Sittin’ pretty in Holyrood
Is prejudice must be subdued
Be it race or religion
See the trees and no the wood
In Scotia’s kith an’ kin.
The Scottish nation is in rude health
Its people must remain its wealth
An’ as we toast Rabbie himsel’
Open hearts and hands
See yer neebors as ye see yersel’
man tae fellow man.
Bob Carruth 2007
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