
2002 Greeting

A GREETING WI’ DATES MAUMIE AN’ WAIRSH Oan June 21st - the year’s langest day - The auldest Burns Club coachéd its way Tae Auld Reekie. A bit splore we’d hae Alang the M8. Then, stravaigin’ like wyse wains at play, Aff doun…

1996 Greeting

Twa Hunner’ Years Syne On a dank, dreich day by the Nith, Ae chiel passed awa’ in Dumfries - Tho’ plackless then, in wardly worth, He was bless’d in his Maker’s peace - And in your mind an’ mine Richt up to this day, Twa…

1990 Greeting

In the Aichties — for the Nineties In the Aichties — We heard o’ yon Walesa chiel — Mandela, Sakharov as weel, An mair, withstood Oppression’s heel, Aye constant in faith. Like Rab. they dreamed ae promise leal Wi’ he’rts…